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Application Forms

Receiver pool

The Animal Tracking Facility has a number of Vemco VR2W acoustic receivers available for loan for a typical period of 12 months. These units are made available to help establish studies in new regions and allow researchers to collect preliminary data that can be used to form the basis of funding applications to establish more permanent acoustic receiver arrays. Applications must follow IMOS guidelines and principles and as such are restricted to marine regions (thus excluding estuary and enclosed bay regions).


To apply for the IMOS Animal Tracking Acoustic Receiver Loan program, candidates will need to complete the Receiver Pool Application Form, and email it to the Animal Tracking Facility​​​​​​​ along with a current CV by the 31st of March 5pm AEST each year. Late applications will not be accepted. Applications will be assessed by members of the Animal Tracking Facility Scientific Committee and IMOS by the 15th of April of the same year, with successful applicants being notified immediately and receivers typically made available by late April or when required.

Evaluation criteria can be found here.

Successful applicants will be required to provide one mid-term report on the progress of the project and one final report within three months of project completion (report template can be found here).

The IMOS Animal Tracking Facility must be acknowledged by the successful applicant in all lectures, presentations, displays, and published materials concerning the project.

Successful applicants are liable for damage to or loss of receivers. All damaged or lost receivers will have to be repaired and/or replaced at the applicant’s expense. Successful applicants must guarantee that funds are available if required (receiver costs being ~AU$2,000 each). For more details see the full Terms and Conditions.

For further information or queries regarding the application and assessment process, please contact:

IMOS Animal Tracking Facility


Innovasea tag ‘top-up’ student award

The Animal Tracking Facility also coordinates the annual Innovasea Tag ‘Top-Up’ Student Award running in parallel to the annual IMOS ATF Acoustic Receiver Loan Program. This award is designed to help increase the scope of student projects by awarding the successful project with an extra 20 non-sensor tags to complement their tag order placed with Innovasea.


To apply for the Innovasea Tag ‘Top-Up’ Student Award, candidates will need to complete the Innovasea Student Award Application Form, and email it to the Animal Tracking Facility along with a current CV by 31st of March, 5pm AEST each year. Applications will be assessed by a panel comprised of Innovasea representatives and members of the IMOS Animal Tracking Facility Scientific Committee. Evaluation criteria can be found here.

Useful information

Receiver pool reports

Mid-term Reports

2018_Swadling, Adams, Pini-Fitzsimmons_Mid-term Report_Quantifying multi-species movement patterns in an open coastal environment

2015_Fox_Mid-term Report_Examining the spawning aggregation dynamics of coral reef fishes

2010_Huveneers_Mid-term Report

2009_Fox_Mid-term Report

2008_Barnett_Mid-term Report  

Final Reports

2015_Fox_Final Report_Examining the spawning aggregation dynamics of coral reef fishes

2009_Barnett_Final Report        

2008_Stieglitz_Final Report

Embargo extensions

To extend embargos when notification is received one month prior to the current expiry please complete the Application Form for Embargo Extension. Please return all completed forms to aatams_data_committee(at)emii.org.au.

The IMOS Animal Tracking – Tag Embargo Policy document can be found here.

Protected data status

The Animal Tracking Facility implemented a supplement regarding its Data Policy. For details refer to the Animal Tracking Facility’s Protected Data Policy.

Complete the Protected Data Application Form to apply for protected data status and send to aatams_data_committee(at)emii.org.au.