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Access Ocean Data

All IMOS and contributor data can be accessed and downloaded via the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) Portal.

AODN Portal

The AODN Portal allows researchers, decision makers and others to discover and access the data. The Portal includes metadata, search and map tools that can be used to interact with AODN datasets and offers data download in a number of formats.

Metadata catalogues

Our partners contribute standardised descriptions of datasets (metadata) to the AODN. These are managed in a centralised catalogue representing a significant proportion of Australia’s marine data assets.

Direct data access

The AODN provides multiple options for direct data access to support diverse user needs.

Great Barrier Reef data management system

IMOS recently led a project to deliver a fit-for-purpose Data Management System (DMS) for the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP).