All Nodes
The Australian marine science and stakeholder community is large, diverse, and dispersed. Nodes provide the means for IMOS to undertake national science and implementation planning, integrated across regions. They identify the major research themes and science questions, and determine what we need to observe, where, when and how. IMOS Node science and implementation plans have continued to be reviewed and developed over a number of years and provide a strong scientific underpinning for IMOS.

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia

Western Australia



Bluewater and climate
Science and implementation plans
- IMOS National Science and Implementation Plan
- Bluewater and Climate Node
- Queensland’s Integrated Marine Observing System (Q-IMOS)
- New South Wales Integrated Marine Observing System (NSW-IMOS)
- Southern Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (SAIMOS)
- Western Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (WAIMOS)
- South East Australia Integrated Marine Observing System (SEA-IMOS)