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Bluewater and Climate

The Bluewater and Climate research community includes Australian scientists tackling a wide range of issues of direct relevance to the nation, including: climate change and its impacts; sea-level rise; changes in the global water cycle; seasonal to interannual climate variability; ocean carbon uptake and acidification; biodiversity; and management of marine resources and ecosystems.  The Bluewater and Climate Node is also closely integrated with national and international research efforts; in particular, the open ocean observations collected by IMOS are the primary data streams used by Australia’s climate and ocean circulation research communities.

Credit Icon Andrew Martini, CSIRO

Satellite Remote Sensing products

Satellite Remote Sensing

Sea Level Anomaly

Ocean Colour

Sea Surface Temperature

The Bluewater and Climate science community has used IMOS observations to produce


Journal Articles






Data Products


Postgraduate Projects

Examples of Bluewater and Climate users of IMOS observations

  • CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
  • University of Tasmania
  • Australian Institute of Marine Science
  • Bureau of Meteorology
  • South Australian Research and
  • Development Institute (SARDI)
  • Sydney Institute of Marine Science
  • Curtin University
  • University of Western Australia
  • University of Melbourne
  • Australian Antarctic Division

The Bluewater and Climate Node research community includes Australian scientists tackling a wide range of issues of direct relevance to the nation, including: climate change and its impacts; sea-level rise; changes in the global water cycle; seasonal to interannual climate variability; ocean carbon uptake and acidification; biodiversity; and management of marine resources and ecosystems. The Bluewater and Climate Node is also closely integrated with national and international research efforts; in particular, the open ocean observations collected by IMOS are the primary data streams used by Australia’s climate and ocean circulation research communities.


Node Leader

Bea Pena-Molino 


E: [email protected]