Category: IMOS
Delivering data to improve reporting on Australia’s environment
Australia’s national research infrastructures are working together to streamline access to integrated data for State of the Environment reporting and other environmental assessments.
Marine science priorities to enable the blue economy and Australia’s economic recovery
The National Marine Science Committee (NMSC) have released its report The Midway Point today.
The IMOS Annual Highlights Document 2020-21 is available now
The document showcases the impact IMOS research infrastructure and data provides across the country.
IMOS receives the 2021 Marine Technology Society Compass International Award
IMOS was recently honoured to receive the Marine Technology Society’s Compass International Award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of marine science and technology.
IMOS documents discoverable through Ocean Best Practices System
IMOS adds more best practice documentation to the Ocean Best Practice System, contributing to the requirement for collaborative ocean observing to follow well-defined and reproducible methods.
IMOS Data Delivery: increasing our knowledge of Australia’s oceans and coasts
This is the third in a series of IMOS Impact Case Studies, available for download from the IMOS website.