Category: IMOS
IMOS Strategy 2030: Rising to the challenges and realising the opportunities of Australia’s oceans and coasts
We are pleased to announce the IMOS Strategy 2030.
New data partnership project to boost wave data collections on the AODN Portal
Wave dynamics are critical to ocean industries, coastal development and leisure activities, and this project will enhance wave data collections in Australia.
New Node leader for the South Australian IMOS Node
We welcome Dr Ana Redondo Rodriguez from the South Australian Research and Development Institute into the leadership team of the South Australian Node
The IMOS Annual Highlights Document 2019-20 is available now
The document showcases a selection of science highlights illustrating the many ways in which IMOS research infrastructure was used over the past year for the benefit of Australians.
New ARDC co-invested projects will enhance data integration between NCRIS capabilities to support leading edge research
IMOS welcomes the investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) Cross-NCRIS Data Assets program.
Dr Paul van Ruth appointed as the IMOS Senior Science Officer
IMOS Director Michelle Heupel is delighted to announce that Dr Paul van Ruth has been appointed as the IMOS Senior Science Officer