The IMOS Annual Highlights Document 2019-20 is available now



The document showcases a selection of science highlights illustrating the many ways in which IMOS research infrastructure was used over the past year for the benefit of Australians.

Please find the 2019-20 Annual Highlights document for Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) here. This web page has links to the pdf of the document, as well as more detailed information about the uses and users of IMOS data.

In our 14th year of operation the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), and our community, have weathered some significant changes. However, we have collectively continued to strive for excellence in the delivery, use and uptake of the IMOS program and this document celebrates the highlights and our achievements.

As IMOS grows and evolves we continue to move from strength to strength as our operations, data streams and outputs mature and increase in their relevance. Active monitoring of the use and users of our data outline the breadth of our community, the applicability and value of the observations we produce and reflect the strength of our partnerships. Our collaborative approach, high data quality and commitment to making our observations accessible underpin our outstanding national and international reputation.

Despite the disruptive events of the 2019-2020 year, which included extensive bushfires and the start of the global corona virus pandemic, the IMOS community rallied to continue to deliver ocean observations which are critical to numerous elements of Australian life and wellbeing. IMOS observations support weather and climate modelling and forecasting, help inform ocean conditions relative to maritime operations by industry and Defence, define dynamics related to food security and biodiversity conservation and facilitate scientific research into these areas and more.

IMOS strives for continual improvement through exploring the potential of new technologies to improve our observing capability and test new ways to deliver data for use by researchers, industry, managers, policy makers and the general public. As we enter the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and look toward 2030, IMOS will continue to deliver ocean observations for the benefit of Australia and our regional neighbours who share our oceans.

We hope you enjoy reading the IMOS Annual Highlights document for 2019-20 and thank you for your continued interest and support. If you wish to receive any further detail about IMOS progress during the year please do not hesitate to contact our office imos(at)