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Animal Tracking

Animal Tracking supports the collection of a wide range of data using tagged animals including fish, sharks and marine mammals.

Data collection

Information gained from tagged animals include physical data such as depth, temperature and salinity and small and large-scale movement based upon detection of tagged individuals. Animal Tracking consists of two sub-Facilities, Acoustic Telemetry which uses a large array of strategically placed acoustic receivers around Australia to detect and track tagged animals, and Animal Tagging, deploying CTD trackers and bio-loggers on Australian and Southern Ocean seal and bird species, collecting behavioural and physical oceanic data.

Key aims

  • Strengthening the national network of acoustic receivers and increasing the collaboration between acoustic telemetry researchers
  • Lead the southern hemisphere region of an internationally coordinated Marine Animal Tracking Program (Ocean Tracking Network)
  • Act as a central data repository from collaborating institutes and researchers around Australia
  • Assess Southern Ocean climate change