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Coastal Wave Buoys

The national IMOS Coastal Wave Buoys Facility provides data essential for understanding the processes and changes driven by waves and temperature in coastal zones.

Data collection

The moored wave buoys will deliver near-real-time wave and temperature observations around the Australian coast. The data will be used in the development and improvement of models used to predict and forecast hazards which threaten coastal populations, and to understand the impacts of environmental disturbances (such as extreme storm events and marine heat waves) on coastal ecosystems.

Why it’s important

Over 87% of Australians live within a narrow coastal strip, with further growth predicted in coming decades. As such, sustained and accurate wave measurements are critical to research, marine industries, government agencies and service providers.

Useful information

Essential Ocean Variables / Essential Climate Variables

This sub-Facility contributes to 1 Essential Ocean Variables and Essential Climate Variables.

EOV: Sea state

ECV: Sea state


Ryan Lowe

E: ryan.lowe(at)uwa.edu.au

Michael Cuttler

E: michael.cuttler(at)uwa.edu.au

Operating institution

University of Western Australia