Vale John Middleton

The IMOS community is mourning the passing of one of its leaders, Associate Professor John Middleton.

John led the oceanography program at the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) and played a pivotal role in the establishment and development of IMOS over 15 years. Back in 2005 he was one of a small group of people around the country who could see the potential of a national, integrated, marine observing system. He worked tirelessly to give IMOS a strong presence in South Australia and contribute to the national mooring network. John led the Southern Australian IMOS (SAIMOS) science Node in the early years of IMOS, and led the National Moorings Network Southern Australia Sub-Facility.

“John’s contribution to IMOS was distinctive in important ways. He was instrumental in bringing the physical science of oceanography together with the needs of the fishing and aquaculture industries, the defence sector, emergency management, and water management. His approach was to make excellent science useful to society,” said Tim Moltmann, former IMOS Director (2009-19).

“John was also very generous in sharing his knowledge and experience. He helped to train and develop many younger scientists, some of whom have gone on to take leadership positions across the IMOS program. And we’ll all remember his keen sense of humour which enlivened many a meeting,” said Mr Moltmann.

John had an excellent record in the research of ocean dynamics and coastal ocean modelling. He developed a new theory for the circulation of large sea straits (Bass Strait). Through numerical model development and analyses of data, he also made major advances in understanding the circulation along Australia’s continental southern shelves and the upwelling system off South Australia.

“John was an outstanding scientist who contributed greatly to advancing our oceanographic understanding of southern Australia and was pivotal in the establishment and success of the SAIMOS and the oceanographic modelling capability at SARDI,” said Dr Mark Doubell, on behalf of John’s colleagues at SARDI.

“A genuinely nice guy, with a great sense of humour, John was always super supportive and encouraging of his staff and colleagues and will be deeply missed,’ said Dr Doubell.

We mourn John’s passing, and celebrate his legacy. His positive impact on the IMOS community will continue through use of his high-quality data and numerical modelling frameworks, through the people he trained and developed, and through the many friendships he made.

Associate Professor John Middleton passed away peacefully on Friday 31st July.  Our thoughts are with his wife Sue, his children and their families.