Category: Ocean Radar
IMOS data supports RV Investigator voyage observing EAC eddies
Scientists aboard the current CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator voyage are taking a close look at the structure of East Australian Current (EAC) eddies.
High frequency radar observations of the Ningaloo Current
The IMOS ocean radar at Ningaloo provides a way to monitor the Ningaloo Current and interactions with the Leeuwin Current in the region.
Food Security: how IMOS data contributes to the management of our valuable marine resources
This is the first in a series of IMOS Impact Case Studies, available for download from the IMOS website.
New IMOS Ocean Radar data available from the Coral Coast Site
Data from a new SeaSonde site on the Coral Coast (CORL) is now online via […]
IMOS Manuals discoverable through Ocean Best Practices
An important requirement for collaborative ocean observing is the need to follow well-defined and reproducible methods across activities.