New IMOS Ocean Radar data available from the Coral Coast Site

Data from a new SeaSonde site on the Coral Coast (CORL) is now online via the AODN Portal, which covers an area of the West Australian Coast north of Perth, Western Australia.  This site has two stations located at Donagra – Port Denison, and Green Head.  The station’s area of coverage have a small overlap of commonly observed ocean with the Turquoise Coast (TURQ) Seasonde HF ocean radar system on the southern side, which in turn overlaps with the Rottnest (ROT) HF radar node.  Together, the CORL, TURQ and ROT systems provide continuous monitoring of hte shelf from Geraldton to Fremantle.

Real-time data from the Coral Coast Site is available from mid-April 2019, with Quality Controlled data soon to be available on the AODN Portal after additional fine tuning and optimisation of the processing parameters.

Feedback on the new IMOS Ocean Radar data or the AODN Portal are always welcome.  Please send correspondance to info(at)