Category: IMOS
IMOS and Sea Country Observing Partnerships
As IMOS evolves and grows there is an increasing need to collaborate with First Nations community to ensure we effectively engage with and deliver to all those interested in marine observations to help understand Sea Country.
IMOS is improving our data discoverability
The IMOS AODN are working on a project to redesign the AODN Portal and underlying architecture with a focus on usability, discoverability and data uptake.
Forum for Operational Oceanography (FOO) 2023: New developments and partnerships in operational oceanography
IMOS recently hosted the 2023 FOO workshop in WA.
The IMOS Annual Highlights Document 2022-23 is available now
The document showcases the impact IMOS research infrastructure and data provides across the country.
A billion signals that tell our oceans’ story
The Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), a network of equipment ranging from autonomous floats, moorings, buoys, gliders, radars and even tagged seals, has collected and delivered more than 1 billion measurements from across Australia’s oceans.
Dr Fabrice Jaine appointed as the IMOS Principal Science Officer
IMOS is delighted to announce that Dr Fabrice Jaine has been appointed as the IMOS Principal Science Officer