Category: IMOS OceanCurrent
IMOS OceanCurrent wave tool monitors high waves from TC Alfred
Written by Salman Khan, Marites Canto, Mark Hemer, and Hamish Ramsay (CSIRO, Environment) Just a […]
IMOS data supports RV Investigator voyage observing EAC eddies
Scientists aboard the current CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator voyage are taking a close look at the structure of East Australian Current (EAC) eddies.
Application of IMOS data to analysis and conclusions in the 2022 IPCC working group II report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability report was released on 28 February 2022.
New surface waves product added to IMOS OceanCurrent
The product provides up to date wave conditions around Australia, with data gathered from Australia’s coastal wave buoy network, several satellites and the Bureau of Meteorology’s AUSWAVE-R model.
How IMOS observations contribute to climate and weather forecasting
This is the fourth in a series of IMOS Impact Case Studies, available for download from the IMOS website.