This is the fifth moorings product that AODN staff have developed to ensure IMOS mooring data is more accessible and practical to use.
The new velocity hourly time series product aggregates all available eastward (U), northward (V) and upwards (W) velocity measurements from Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) and current meters from one site into a single file. Only good data are included, and the time series are binned into one-hour intervals. Each binned value is vertically referenced to its absolute depth (also averaged over the hour), and accompanied by statistical measures from the binning process (minimum, maximum, standard deviation and number of observations in the bin).
The hourly time series products for velocity and other parameters are available via the AODN THREDDS server, in a dedicated folder (“hourly_timeseries”) inside each site folder (e.g. here) and via the AODN Portal, in the collection IMOS – Moorings – Hourly time-series product.
For the users who want to explore the product, two notebooks on how to manipulate and plot the variables are available in the aodn-user-code library (Python version, R version). Note that these examples access the non-velocity version of the hourly product, but the structure of the file is the same.
Detailed documentation of the product and the Python code used to produce the files is available at This GitHub repository also includes a discussion forum open for comments and improvement suggestions.
For any questions about the product or the project please contact info(at)