Home / Facilities / National Mooring Network / Ningaloo Moorings – WA

Ningaloo Moorings – WA

Ningaloo Moorings extends the current IMOS Western Australia Moorings sub-Facility with the deployment of a mooring within the Ningaloo region, in waters off Tantabiddi on the North West Cape. The Ningaloo Moorings sub-Facility is funded by the Western Australian government.

Ningaloo Moorings ceased operations in February 2023, however data is still available through the AODN Portal.


Why it’s important

Ningaloo Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage listed marine park, is adjacent to the highly productive fisheries in the Exmouth Gulf and the North West Shelf and is the source of the Leeuwin Current. The strategic location of the Ningaloo Mooring provides valuable monitoring of this important region and the strength of the Leeuwin Current which influences large regions of the western Australian continental shelf.

Useful information


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