Microbial Coastal Sampling
Microbial Coastal Sampling
IMOS Coast Sampling provides a network of coastal microbial observatories located in coastal water of the Great Barrier Reef (Queensland), Botany Bay (New South Wales), and Port Philip Bay (Victoria).

Why it’s important
Coastal environments are highly dynamic, influenced by both natural processes and anthropogenic activity and represent locations in which environmental microbial assemblages can have substantial human health and economic impacts. Establishing microbial observatories at the key interface for human interactions with the marine environment has relevance for public health as well as important marine industries, including tourism and aquaculture.
Key data streams
Useful information
Operating institution
Acknowledging IMOS
Users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source material by including the following statement:
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.