New Technology Proving
The New Technology Proving capability in IMOS is an exciting opportunity to direct investment into piloting new technologies, methods, and approaches. In its second year IMOS will prioritise opportunities that can improve efficiency or effectiveness (in either equipment or software/data resources), fill existing gaps (e.g. biological observing), create impact and enhance our outputs. This includes the potential for products or software platforms that increase the uptake, use and applicability of existing IMOS data streams.
Proponents of EOIs are expected to have or obtain a sound understanding of IMOS, current status and future directions. The IMOS Office is available to provide clarification as required.

Principal 1
Firstly, IMOS has adopted the global Framework for Ocean Observing including its concept of readiness levels. Projects funded under the New Technology Proving capability will be targeted at ‘Pilot’ readiness levels, with a view to successful pilots becoming ‘Mature’ over time. Projects at ‘Proof of Concept’ readiness levels are ineligible.
Principal 2
Secondly, IMOS has decided to adopt a broad definition of ‘new technology’, recognising that projects could include both hardware and software technologies, spanning from new equipment or sensors, through improved work flows, to new analysis techniques and products.
Wind Speed and Direction Extension
Wind Speed and Direction aims to provide a global database of calibrated and validated wind speed direction sourced from scatterometers in Australian coastal waters in addition to acquiring global scatterometer data from both previous and existing satellite missions.

Profiling Moorings Evaluation
Profiling Moorings Evaluation will trial the deployment of two different commercially available profiling mooring platforms (Prawler and Wirewalker). The project aims to determine the operational needs of these profiling systems and assess increases in sampling efficiencies and spatial resolution of data through the water column.

Improved Satellite Ocean Colour
Improved Satellite Ocean Colour will advance existing satellite derived ocean colour for Australian open ocean and coastal waters. By leveraging complementary observations from operating satellites, this New Technology Proving project will generate consistent marine reflectance and geophysical products at a range of spatial and temporal resolutions to meet research needs.

IMOS Ocean Observer
IMOS Ocean Observer will develop a platform that leverages and integrates IMOS data streams to increase visibility and ease of access to existing data. The visualisation product will provide a point of access for key stakeholders without the need to manually process large complex datasets.