Home / Facilities / National Mooring Network / Queensland and Northern Australia Moorings

Queensland and Northern Australia Moorings

Queensland and Northern Australia Moorings collect key oceanographic data from shelf arrays located in the northern tropics along the Great Barrier Reef and the north west region of Western Australia. The mooring array provides near real-time and delayed mode observations of physical oceanographic conditions of the regions and water quality measurements.


The Great Barrier Reef array is located along the outer reef, monitoring western boundary currents of the Coral Sea, the East Australian Current and the Gulf of Papua Current. The north west array in Western Australia are strategically located to monitor the Holloway and Leeuwin Currents and complement Deep Water Arrays located in the Indonesian Throughflow.  

Queensland and Northern Australia Moorings are also responsible for maintaining both the Darwin and Yongala (Great Barrier Reef) National Reference Stations.

Full details of the moorings deployed are also available from the Australian Institute of Marine Science IMOS Moorings overview.

Useful information


Simon Spagnol