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Direct Data Access

The Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) provides multiple options for direct data access to support diverse user needs. The AODN Portal is the recommended method, offering an intuitive interface for exploring, visualising, and downloading data. Users can also directly access large datasets through Amazon S3 cloud storage or via the THREDDS Data Server, which supports tools like Python, MATLAB, and R for custom analyses.

numbers on a screen

Direct download

IMOS data is accessible directly through data servers, including Amazon S3 and THREDDS.

Web services

The AODN utilise a set of web services to integrate its web-based applications. The AODN provide access to these webservices for alternative access to data.

Useful information

Help / Support

For help using netCDF files within MATLAB, R and Python, click here

Useful links

IMOS S3 server



For help or further information, please contact [email protected]