Home / Facilities / Ocean Gliders / Ocean Gliders – Onslow, Western Australia

Ocean Gliders – Onslow, Western Australia

Onslow Ocean Gliders is an extension of the IMOS Ocean Gliders Facility with the aim of monitoring Australia’s Northwest shelf. This region is important to Australia’s Bluewater economy, with high activity of shipping, oil and gas, commercial fishing and tourism in the area. The regular deployment of Ocean Gliders provides high-resolution information on the ocean dynamics of this region. The Onslow Ocean Gliders sub-Facility is funded by the Western Australian government.

Onslow Ocean Gliders ceased operations in June 2022, however data is still available through the AODN Portal.

Useful information


Prof. Charitha Pattiaratchi
E: chari.pattiaratchi(at)uwa.edu.au

Operating institution

The University of Western Australia