The IMOS Annual Highlights Document 2018-19 is available now



The document showcases a selection of science highlights illustrating the many ways in which our research infrastructure was used over of the past year for the benefit of Australians.

Please find the 2018-19 Annual Highlights document for Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) here. This web page has links to the pdf of the document, as well as more detailed information about the uses and users of IMOS data.

Assessing ocean productivity, improving ocean forecasting, providing high quality wave data, tracking marine species, assessing seafloor communities, monitoring extreme events, and informing sustainable development of natural resources have all been part of 2018-19 activities. As a national marine observing system with a clear focus on data access and use, IMOS continues to provide robust information that is relevant to all of these issues and many others.

The achievements highlighted in this document are drawn from over 320 publications, reports, research projects and postgraduate student projects using IMOS data in the 2018-19 year.

With IMOS funding secure to 2023, and with prospects of support out to 2029 under the Australian Government’s decadal commitment to the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), IMOS continues to function as a critical source of national marine research infrastructure. The IMOS community continues to make great use of this ongoing investment.

We hope you enjoy reading the IMOS Annual Highlights document for 2018-19 and thank you for your continued interest and support. If you wish to receive any further detail about IMOS progress during the year please do not hesitate to contact our office imos(at)