IMOS symposium highlights research using our data at AMSA conference



The annual Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) conference brings together Australia’s marine scientists to advance their understanding of Australia’s unique marine environment.

IMOS hosted a symposium and invited submissions from all users of IMOS data to showcase the high-quality research that underpins the impact the program delivers across society and culture, the economy, and the environment.

The talks covered research that use the breadth of IMOS data streams. Including biological data about marine microbes, plankton, pelagic fish, sharks, and marine imagery, and physical data from ocean gliders and moorings.  Other talks focused on data visualisation through the IMOS Ocean Current website and data delivery through the RIMReP Data Management System.

“It was a fantastic day of presentations at the IMOS Symposium at AMSA, showcasing the depth and breadth of IMOS,” says IMOS Director Michelle Heupel. “Thanks to all the amazing speakers, we look forward to seeing more of your great science!”

The abstracts are listed below: