Dr Paul van Ruth appointed as the IMOS Senior Science Officer



IMOS Director Michelle Heupel is delighted to announce that Dr Paul van Ruth has been appointed as the IMOS Senior Science Officer.

Dr Paul van Ruth is currently a Research Scientist in Oceanography at the Aquatic Sciences branch of the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). Paul has also led the SAIMOS Node since 2015.

Paul is an oceanographer with expertise in plankton ecology and food web dynamics. His research focuses on the way variations in physical and chemical environmental parameters, whether driven by anthropogenic or climatic factors, shape marine planktonic communities and food web structure from global to local scales.

Paul’s work in Australian coastal waters has investigated the potential impacts of industrial, commercial and recreational activities on marine ecosystems. His research has supported the sustainable management of fisheries and aquaculture.

“Paul’s experience and track record with IMOS will be a significant asset to the IMOS Office and our community. I look forward to working with Paul as IMOS works to build our strategies for the coming years,” says IMOS Director Michelle Heupel.

Paul says “I’m excited to have this opportunity to work more closely with the IMOS Office and the broader IMOS community to ensure we continue to deliver quality outcomes for our stakeholders, and promote the sustainable management of Australia’s marine resources.”

Paul will commence as the IMOS Senior Science Officer in mid-October 2020.

The IMOS Office farewelled Dr Ana Lara-Lopez as the IMOS Scientific Officer in late June. Ana played a key role during her six years with IMOS and we wish her all the best in the next chapter of her career.