Category: New Technology Proving
New way to visualise IMOS biological data: introducing the Biological Ocean Observer
The Biological Ocean Observer is a website that integrates, analyses and visualises data collected from IMOS platforms around Australia including the network of National Reference Stations, Continuous Plankton Recorders, Ships of Opportunity and coastal monitoring sites.
Lisa Blair sails into Albany breaking the Antarctic circumnavigation world record
During her 92 days at sea Lisa has been continuously collecting mircoplastics samples for IMOS.
IMOS low-cost wave buoys capture extreme events during pilot project
Wave measurements across Australia’s oceans are essential for research, marine industries, government agencies and service providers.
IMOS and space: National research infrastructure supporting and delivering satellite-derived ocean observations
This is the second in a series of IMOS Impact Case Studies, available for download from the IMOS website.
Low-cost wave buoy data starts to flow onto the AODN Portal
Data from the low-cost wave buoy sites is available now
Drifting IMOS wave buoys reveal the intensity and duration of Perth’s recent superstorm
The buoys are part of the IMOS New Technology sub-Facility focusing on the suitability of low-cost wave buoys for real-time wave observations.