Category: AODN
A new web-interface for IMOS’s national acoustic telemetry network database
The Australian Ocean Data Network and IMOS Animal Tracking Facility are working to develop a new web-interface for the IMOS national acoustic telemetry network’s database.
New dataset collections from the CSIRO Data Trawler now discoverable on the AODN Portal
Ten new CSIRO datasets can now be found on the AODN Portal
IMOS improves the accuracy of our seal tracking location data
The IMOS Animal Tagging Sub-Facility has developed a new quality control process to improve the accuracy of data transmitted by Seal Satellite Relay Data Loggers (SRDL)
IMOS multi-satellite sea surface temperature (SST) composite products have been updated
The Bureau of Meteorology have reprocessed the products adding a further six years of data
AODN releases a new version of the IMOS MATLAB Toolbox
Data quality to be improved with the inclusion of a new Quality Control test – IMOS MATLAB Toolbox release, version 2.6.9
Waverider Buoys deployed by the New Zealand Defence Force are providing critical information about conditions in the remote Southern Ocean
The wave climate data from the Southern Ocean site is now available via the AODN Portal