Water Sampling Database Project – Summary



The Water Sampling Database Project has come to an end and is now in maintenance mode.

The project succeeded in contributing a significant amount of new data to the AODN Portal.

The first new collections were added in December 2021, these were the new binned data products from IMOS National Reference Stations and other sampling stations.

Phytoplankton Products

Zooplankton products

The Combined biogeochemical (BGC) parameters (reference stations) added next, contain data obtained from water samples collected at the nine IMOS National Reference Stations (NRS).

Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume is comprised of 8 binned products from CPR data as part of the Australian Plankton Survey (AusCPR) and the Southern Ocean Plankton Survey (SO-CPR).

Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Zooplankton abundance and biomass has available five binned products, comprised of CPR data as part of AusCPR.  The biomass index is the dried mass of the plankton washed off the silk from the CPR.

The Larval Fish Database is comprised of data collected since the 1980’s from 12 voyages around Australia and data from five IMOS National Reference stations (NRS) which contribute information to the existing biological, ecological and oceanic measurements taken at the sites.

The derived indices were then added to CPR Zooplankton abundance and biomass, Zooplankton Products, CPR Phytoplankton and Abundance, Phytoplankton Products these give values at a sample level for biological parameters such as diversity and abundance, and physical parameters like surface temperature, chlorophyl and mixed layer depth. Find the CSV or Python downloads on Step 3 in the “Download as” dropdown.

Data from SARDI non IMOS stations, such as raw picoplankton and raw TSS, along with data from the IMOS Coastal Sampling Station at Botany Bay was added to the Combined Biogeochemical (BGC) Parameters find it on Step 2 in the Project dropdown.

Data from the Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) was the last to be added to the Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume available as binned products, find them on Step 2 of the Portal in the project Dropdown.

For any further information on this project please contact info(at)aodn.org.au