New release of the IMOS Toolbox: version 2.6.5



A new version of the IMOS Toolbox – version 2.6.5 – is now available for Windows and Linux. 

The IMOS Toolbox aims to provide an automated and easy to use interface for converting raw ocean instrument data into IMOS compliant, and quality controlled netCDF files. The toolbox may be used as a desktop application or as a library within a MATLAB environment. 

The quarterly release provides updated metadata in the filenames, updates to data ingestion in three different instruments, and continued to improve auto-testing. The complete list of changes can be found here.

The third-quarter release of the toolbox is already on its way, with new enhancements to be prioritised by the IMOS toolbox working group. If you wish to be included in the group, please let us know. 

We welcome users in reviewing or contributing back to the Toolbox – visit us at GitHub or send us a pull request.  

The toolbox is copyrighted and licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3. For additional information and any feedback (always welcome) contact info(at)