New developments to the AODN Portal enhance data discovery



The AODN team have improved the way you can select and view data collections on the AODN Portal.

Released in July, AODN Portal version 4.42.49 contains changes to Step 1 – Select a Data Collection, these include facet ordering, the way dataset collection results are presented and list narrowing efficiencies.

Alphabetical Facets

The facets (Parameter, Organisation and Platform) used to narrow down search results on Step 1 of the AODN Portal located to the left of the page, are now displayed in alphabetical order, previously appearing in numerically descending order within each Facet group.

Hierarchical Organisation Facet

The Organisation facet was reworked into hierarchy groupings, such as Universities, Government Authorities and IMOS Facilities.   Each grouping expands to display sub-level groupings – e.g. IMOS opens to 11 Facility options.

Facet linkage

The Parameter, Organisation and Platform Facets listed for each dataset collection on the right-hand section of the AODN Portal Step 1 page are interactive. AODN Portal users can filter with the facet details in both the left panel and in the available dataset collections listed on right side of the display by clicking the facet of interest e.g ‘salinity’, ‘vessel’ or ‘Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)’.

Infinite scrolling

Infinite scroll, of selected (filtered) dataset collections, increases the efficiency of browsing by simply allowing the user to continually scroll down through the list of results.

Infinite scroll functionality has also enabled the display of the total number (in real time) of matching collections currently available in the AODN Portal.

Abstract expansion

The abstract allows the reader to determine the relevance of the dataset collection by describing, in summary, what has been recorded, spatial coverage, the period of the collection and methodology. Clicking the grey title bar of a dataset collection will expand the abstract sourced from the Metadata record of the dataset collection, without leaving the AODN Portal Step 1 Page. Clicking the grey title bar a second time will collapse the result to the initial display.    To see the whole metadata record in the Catalogue there is a link titled ‘more’ in each dataset collection result.

AODN Staff favourite random AODN Portal tip:

Want to add more than one Dataset Collection at a time? Holding down the Control key whilst clicking the ‘Select’ button for each collection keeps the user on Step 1 –adding multiple dataset collections to the map at a time.

AODN Portal enhancements are often a result of user feedback which is always welcome.

For any feedback/suggestions on the AODN Portal, please contact info(at)