AODN releases new gridded Temperature Time Series product from IMOS moorings

Continuing with the development of products that make IMOS mooring data more accessible and practical to use, the GRIDDED Time Series combines and linearly interpolates quality-controlled temperature registers from a mooring site into a defined set of target depths, and one-hour time intervals.

With this product it will be easy to extract long time series at one or many particular depths from a single file, without the need of manipulating, in some cases, hundreds of files individually. Also, the target depths for the interpolation have been carefully selected by IMOS moorings experts according to the distribution of the sensors in the water column, and the prevailing oceanographic characteristics at each particular location. The product includes deployments since September 2007 to the present, aggregating almost 12 years of hourly data from some sites. The files will be updated regularly to include the latest deployments.

The gridded time series are available at AODN THREDDS server in a dedicated folder (“gridded_timeseries”) inside each site directory. See for example The fully quality-controlled product is also available through the AODN Portal. For the users who want to explore the product, two notebooks on how to manipulate and plot the variable are available in the aodn-user-code library (Python version, R version).

Detailed documentation of the product and the Python code used to produce the files is available at This GitHub repository also includes a discussion forum open for comments and improvement suggestions.

For any questions about the product or the project please contact info(at)