Food Security: how IMOS data contributes to the management of our valuable marine resources

This is the first in a series of IMOS Impact Case Studies, available for download from the IMOS website.

The IMOS Impact Case Studies showcase the benefits derived from investment in national research infrastructure.

The series will demonstrate how IMOS observations are used by marine and climate scientists, forecasters, and marine industries whose research and product development deliver benefit to Australian and global communities.

This case study focuses on how IMOS contributes to Australia’s Food Security through the provision of observations which contribute to:

  • the sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and biodiversity;
  • global and regional climate models that predict seasonal weather patterns for use in fisheries and agriculture;
  • increasing our understanding of harmful events such as marine heatwaves which impact aquaculture and other fisheries-based industries;
  • understanding the spatial movements of species of particular value to our economy, environment and society.

We encourage you to download and share the pdf.