Category: Ships of Opportunity
Food Security: how IMOS data contributes to the management of our valuable marine resources
This is the first in a series of IMOS Impact Case Studies, available for download from the IMOS website.
Observing phytoplankton helps us understand how the Southern Ocean food web is responding to environmental change
IMOS is making phytoplankton data collected in the Southern Ocean available through the AODN Portal.
High resolution ocean profile temperature data in Near Real Time is now available for the Ship Of Opportunity Expendable Bathythermograph data collection.
The IMOS Ship of Opportunity Expendable Bathythermograph (SOOP XBT) facility and the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN), collaborated to streamline the Near Real Time (NRT) data ingestion process for high resolution ocean temperature data
Decades of ocean observations required to help unpick climate risks
IMOS eXpendable Bathythermograph (XBT) profiles contribute to the study of long term temperature trends in the Southern Ocean.
Further improvements to plankton abundance data
Recently the marine community was made aware of the development and delivery of new plankton […]