Data Processing Tools
A number of additional data processing tools are available for specialised use cases. These are described in more detail below.

Data processing tools and products
NetCDF Ninja
A Software package for quick access to and editing of NetCDF files.
NetCDF Ninja serves to eliminate the complexity of NetCDF files for coders and non-coders alike. Anyone can use this tool to effortlessly examine everything within a NetCDF file. Data can be quickly plotted with or without fill values and closely examine data using zoom or pan tools. The data can also be edited or exported in text format for use elsewhere. All metadata can be displayed and edited. The names of global attributes and variables can also be changed.

IMOS Matlab toolbox
The IMOS Matlab Toolbox aims to provide an automated, easy to use interface for converting raw instrument data into IMOS compatible Quality Controlled NetCDF files, ready for ingestion to the AODN. The toolbox is designed to process data which is manually retrieved for example from long-term mooring sites.
Typical usage of the Toolbox would proceed as follows:
- Import and pre-process instrument dataset, applying calculations or transformations for example : local to UTC time conversion.
- Automatically quality control data using automated and semi-automated QC procedures such as date and location checks, in/out of water flagging, outlier, spikes and flatlines detections.
- Manually quality control data via interactive display.
- IMOS compliant set of NetCDF files are generated and include both original and modified plus QC’d data sets.

Ocean data view
Ocean Data View (ODV) is a program designed for the interactive graphical display of oceanographic data. This software is freely available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and UNIX systems. To download ODV you must register for free. To do this, navigate to the Software tab at Different types of graphs can be produced including: time series, profiles and maps of water temperature, salinity, current velocity and chlorophyll-a concentration. ODV also enables you to estimate derived variables such as potential density, dynamic height and the Brunt-Vaisala frequency.
Download the Ocean Data View Manual v1.3.
Prepared by the Coastal and Regional Oceanography Lab at UNSW.

CHORUS (processing and analysis of sea noise data)
CHORUS is software for processing and analysis of sea noise data, including the IMOS passive acoustic data. The download package includes a User Manual and a Single User Licence Agreement. Note, the software is downloaded by navigating to the ‘Products’ menu and selecting CHORUS software > CHORUS download.