The Acoustic Data Viewer
The Acoustic Data Viewer provides access to raw recordings from the IMOS Acoustic Observatories sub-Facility
To Use the Viewer
1. Choose a Site/Deployment from the drop-down menu.
2. You will be presented with a long-term average spectrogram compiled from the power spectrum density of sea noise calculated for each individual recording.
3. Scroll the spectrogram horizontally (using the slide-bar above the image) to find the time period of interest.
4. Click on the spectrogram at a desired time-point to see the waveform and spectrogram of the sea noise recording corresponding to that time.
5. To download a zip file containing the selected recording (in raw binary format), and the waveform and spectrogram preview images, click the Download button. Otherwise click on another time-point to produce fresh images.
* The noise recorder electronics was calibrated using white noise of known level input in series with the hydrophone.
* The time periods shown in dark blue in the long-term spectrogram do not contain data for technical reasons.