IMOS NetCDF Conventions
NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a self describing file format that is common for storing marine data. The netCDF software libraries and machine-independent data formats support the creation, access and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.
The netCDF software libraries and documentation are available online from Unidata. Many netCDF manipulation and display software utilities are widely available online.
IMOS employs the netCDF system for many of it’s data collections. IMOS provides directions for the use of netCDF for IMOS data within the IMOS netCDF Conventions Document and the IMOS netCDF File Naming Convention Document. These specify the format of the files, documents the standards and the metadata content required by IMOS data contributors.

IMOS netCDF conventions document
This document specifies the format of the netCDF files that are used to distribute IMOS data, and to document the standards used therein. This includes naming conventions, or taxonomy, as well as metadata content.
IMOS netCDF file naming convention
This document specifies the naming conventions for file names that will be used to distribute IMOS data in netCDF format.
The IMOS netCDF Conventions Document was originally derived from the conventions prescribed by the OceanSITES User’s Manual, version 1.1. The OceanSITES program is the global network of open-ocean sustained time series reference stations that have been implemented by an international partnership of researchers. More information about this project is available at
The IMOS netCDF Conventions Document also draws on documents that have been produced for the IMOS project.