IMOS Five Year Plan 2022 – 2027
The IMOS Governing Board has approved the IMOS Five Year Plan (2022-27).
Based on more than a decade of providing high-quality data to better understand Australia’s vast marine estate, IMOS has a singular goal:
To deliver benefits to Australia by undertaking systematic, sustained and scientifically-robust observations of our vast and valuable marine estate.

Decadal strategy
To realise this goal, IMOS has developed a Decadal Strategy to ensure societal benefit for Australia through maintaining and enhancing ocean observations designed to address fundamental questions and challenges facing our marine estate.
This Five Year Plan describes the elements of the IMOS program that will help us achieve and deliver the Missions and objectives outlined in our Decadal Strategy.
Grounded in the new Decadal Strategy, IMOS will continue to evolve the program to have a user-driven focus and strong commitment to delivering societal benefit. IMOS’ future observing will deliver observations and measurements to support industry, management, research and training activities to achieve real-world benefits for Australia and our regional neighbours.