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Credit Icon Anita Slotwinski, CSIRO

External review of the Australian Ocean Data Network

The external review of the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN; hereafter the Review) was charged with providing a forward-looking assessment and evaluation of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) AODN program and processes to ensure the AODN facilitates efficient and optimised data access and delivery of derived products to Australia’s marine science community now and into the future. The Review was asked to consider the current and future capability (i.e., skills, infrastructure, partnerships) of the AODN program and to provide findings and recommendations to guide changes in the AODN.

IMOS response to the review

External review of AODN executive summary

External review of the Australian Ocean Data Network (full report)

External review of the IMOS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Facility

In the spirit of advancement and continual improvement the IMOS Office has initiated a series of internal and external reviews of elements of our program. Through this process an External Review of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Facility was conducted. Following this, some additional work was conducted by the IMOS Office based on several of the external review recommendations. As of July 2021, conversations with stakeholders and funders are still required and this will be conducted by the IMOS Office in the second half of 2021. IMOS would like to thank the many people who took part in this review process.