IMOS Strategy 2030: Rising to the challenges and realising the opportunities of Australia’s oceans and coasts



We are pleased to announce the IMOS Strategy 2030.

The IMOS Strategy 2030 is a roadmap guiding our priorities for infrastructure, partnerships, leadership and research over the next 10 years. The Strategy is structured around five key Missions and 12 related Objectives. To achieve these Missions and Objectives, we will address national and international Needs, increase Impact, Amplify national ability and apply our Capability.

This roadmap builds on the previous IMOS Strategy 2015–2025; however, its fundamental drive remains the same. IMOS will deliver sustained, systematic and scientifically robust observations that will support the sustainable use and management of our vast and valued marine estate. We will work with our partners to address fundamental questions and challenges facing our oceans and coastal waters and deliver national benefits to all Australians.

“Australia’s oceans and coasts are more important than ever to our way of life. They continue to be a source of recreation, wellbeing, food and clean energy, and a major driver of our global weather and climate,” Michelle Heupel, IMOS Director.

Download the Strategy Summary PDF

Download IMOS Decadal Strategy 2030 PDF